Saturday, July 18, 2020

How to generate Cirtificate signing request(csr),Key and Certificate(crt) files.

Recently I had a requirement to enable SSL in a web service. In order to enable the SSL in that web service, I was needed an SSL certificate file(CRT) and its Key file. I was using Godaddy hosting with Cpanel So, I am not a professional in system administration so that I had faced so many problems in generating those files - especially key file. all problems were ricing because of my lack of knowledge. after spending a whole 1 day and a lots of tries, I found the right way to do this. Here I will share with you my experience.

Please follow the steps below.

Generate CSR(certificate signing request from Cpanel)

A CSR is an encoded file that provides you with a standardized way to send DigiCert your public key as well as some information that identifies your company and domain name.

Follow the steps to get the CSR for the domain you wish to generate the certificate.

  1. Go to Cpanel.
  2. Go to section security. Open the option SSL/TLS.
  3. Fill the following required fields.
  4. Click on the generate button.
  5. You will get an encoded CSR and Key. Keep both CSR and Key files stored somewhere.

Generate a CRT(Certificate) file from GoDaddy

CRT is a file extension for a digital certificate file used with a web browser. CRT files are used to verify a secure website's authenticity, distributed by certificate authority (CA) companies such as GlobalSign, VeriSign, and Thawte.

Follow the steps to generate CRT file.

  1. Login into GoDaddy.
  2. Go to the SSL certificate page or Go to the section SSL certificates in My Products page(Normally, after login, GoDaddy will take you to the my products page). 
  3. Select the domain you wish to generate the SSL certificate, click on Manage Button(If you are accessing from My Products page).
  4. Go to the section Manage Certificate.
  5. Select the option Rekey your certificate.
  6. Put the signing request(CSR)  you generated before here in the text box.
  7. Then click on Submit all changes button.
If you check the status of the Certificates in the SSL certificate page, you can see its in Pending. Wait for some minutes. CA(Certificate issuer) will issue a certificate for you and you can see the status of the certificate as Issued. 

So now you can download the certificate appropriate to your server. follow the steps.

  1. Go to the Download Certificate section in the SSL Certificate page.
  2. Select the server type and click on the Download button.

Hope you understand.

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